Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's Booster Time for Bryce!!

So,we're only a few months off, but oh well....with Pre-K registration just around the corner, Michael and I had to take Bryce to that agonizing 4year check-up today:(
First off, I can't tell him anything to expect about the appointment because he would begin screaming from the moment we would arrive at the office. I hate that! He thinks he is going to talk to Dr. Chappell about going to school...oh, boy....guilt is building up inside me as he steps on the scale...41 lbs!! Only 4 lbs separate him and his 6 1/2 year old sister!! Okay, so far, so good!!
Time to tee-tee in the cup....he wonders if we can play this game at home?! I really would probably say yes to anything right now because I feel so bad about what awaits him at the end of this appointment!!
Eye test...check..thank goodness, considering his parents, on to the ears....outcome=Selective hearing!!!! He only would raise his hand when he felt like is what he told the nurse! Go figure!!
The time has come for the final stage of our dreaded visit...Michael and I are starting to really feel for our little guy who is sitting on the examining table talking about trucks and Spiderman with a big grin on his face...
Out goes the doctor and in comes the nurse....with FOUR needles!!!
It was then that we had to do alot of explaining and ALOT of coaxing!!! Thank you Toys R Us and Sweet Tea!!!! We got through it because of you!!!
After all was said and done, Michael told Bryce he cries too when he gets shots! We were proud of our boy,and he thinks that the nurse injected him with muscles, so okay!


  1. This post made me laugh so much!! But more importantly I just read your "He will catch you" and you have NO IDEA how much I needed to see that right now!!! Love you girlie! Lani

  2. I love you too Lani!!! when I read that, you were the first person who came to mind...I am so happy you read that...she has a great me when you can :)


Above all love each other deeply,
because love covers a multitude of sins.
I Peter 4:8

About Me

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I am married to my highschool sweetie and together we have two very active but very loving children, Gracie and Bryce. I work part time as a pediatric dental hygienist and am a fulltime cook, cleaner, and driver :) I love all my jobs and thank God everyday for getting me to where I am...