Monday, August 29, 2011

A Sister's Prayer

I pray for you, my sister

The confidence to know

That Jesus gave His life

His love for you to show

I pray for you, my sister

Each and every day

That God will give you wisdom

As you go along your way

I pray for you, my sister

That God will comfort you

Give you strength & courage

As life’s valleys you pass through

I pray for you, my sister

To show the lost you care

Tell them of your Savior’s love

So they become aware

I pray for you, my sister

And thank my Lord above

For giving me a sister

As special as you to love

Monday, August 22, 2011

A New Home for Brodie!!

Ok, so I have never been a "cat lover" , but this weekend I totally had a change of heart. Michael and I really wanted to get Gracie and Bryce a gift for simply being amazing this summer. I mean, by the end of the summer they were sick of each other (and probably me too), but they had been through a lot and we thought they were very deserving.
We have two dogs, Luke and Oliver, who primarily stay outside, so having a pet that could stay inside would be something we thought the kids would really enjoy.
I went through our list of options.....hmmmmm...not good....."Michael, what about a kitten?"
Without a doubt, we wanted to adopt ! I had seen one too many of those commercials with the pitiful animals and the Sara Mclaughlin song, "In the Arms of the Angels" playing in the background..... well, it did the trick!!!
Oh, let me add that this all took place around 8pm (it wouldn't be normal for us if it weren't spontaneous!!) Anyways, so we go flying into Pet Smart in hopes of finding the "perfect" kitten!
There were a good many to choose from, but before we left, I had told Michael that I just had to have a grey kitten :) Much to my surprise, there he was... the sweetest grey and white kitten putting on a show for us! It was almost as if he were saying "Pick me!" "Pick me!"
So, at about 9:30, we left Pet Smart with our newest addition ,and Brodie has indeed already brought so much joy into our lives!

Bryce kicking the ball!!!

Looking just like his daddy :)

Pep talk before the game!!

Soccer Time!!!

Our Handsome Boy!!! Bryce began his 3rd year playing soccer for the Y. This year he moved up to a new division that actually keeps score!! Go Yellow Jackets!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

"Out of the Mouths of Babes"

Michael and I know that the situation with Charlie and Sam is very delicate when it comes to how much information we share with Gracie and Bryce. We feel the "lighter" we keep it the better. We intend to share pictures and answer more detailed questions at more appropriate times. So, for now, Charlie and Sam are in Heaven with all their other relatives sleeping on the clouds and being rocked by Jesus. We pray for them every night and talk about them daily. It's very comforting.

Yesterday, Michael had to go to Babies R Us to pick up the attachments to our crib that allows us to convert it into a double bed. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy seeing him pull up to the house with those boxes in the back of the truck ,and of course, the kids had a bunch of questions for Michael and myself. I could feel my eyes swelling up with tears as Michael was about to unload the boxes to put directly into the storage room when Bryce walked up to me, grabbed my hand and said...."Mommy, when are we going to try again?" "You know, Mommy, for more babies."

I am amazed by God's perfect timing.

We were concerned about the kids and the thought of me being pregnant again in the future. This experience was upsetting to them as well, so to see how eager they are to try again as a family is truly a miracle in itself! I had worried how my bed rest, hospital stay, and the loss had affected them , and the end result just proved how resilient and strong my children are. I can learn a lot from them.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I had almost forgotten that back in March (or maybe May...I can't remember...haha!!), I, along with a few hundred thousand I'm sure, had entered into the first lottery for Augusta National Masters 2012 tickets. So, today as I was sitting outside enjoying what seemed to be one of the "cooler"days we have had in some time, was thinking about Spring, and it occurred to me that I hadn't received a response about my application. I jumped up to check online and couldn't believe that our application was actually accepted!! YAHOO!!!! We are going to the Practice Rounds on Tuesday!! This was crazy considering we NEVER, I mean, NEVER win anything!!! I know that being from Augusta people think we attend every year, but this is far from the truth. It is just as much of a treat for us as for anyone else. I remember as a child being able to purchase tickets at the gate for the Practice Rounds , but that was years ago. We were really hoping to get 4 tickets so we could take Gracie and Bryce, but we only got 2. We are just thankful for that!!! Good Times!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gone fishin!!!!

Fishing poles...check...worms...check... I couldn't think of a better way to spend an overcast Saturday afternoon than sitting on the dock trying to teach Gracie and Bryce how to fish!!! Well, this is how it really went.....

First, our massive American Bulldog, Luke, needs swimming lessons because he almost drowned after jumping off the dock!!! This led to Bryce setting the hook in my mom's cousin Robbie's leg, which luckily didn't go in too far, and Gracie was almost in tears each time I baited her pole. Eventually, I had to set all of our "worm friends" free!!!

So, needless to say, we didn't catch anything except a few good laughs!!! It's days like this that we couldn't be more thankful for!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

God's Answer to Prayer

Charlie and Sam would have been 8 weeks old yesterday. When I think about the milestones they would have made at 2 months of age it tugs on my heart. It's hard at times not to question why things happen; and as I wake up each morning and face each new day, I am realizing more and more about what is truly important in life. I realize that it wasn't the short time that we had with the twins, but the miracle of them being a part of our lives. Sometimes God answers our prayers in a way that we don't expect until later...I have to keep reminding myself of this daily. Michael and I have started a daily devotion for parents who have experienced the loss of a child. (Thank you so much to the very special person who gave this gift to us!) Today's devotion was right on target for what I have been struggling with lately. God does indeed listen to our every word.

"I asked for health, that I might do greater things;

I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked God for strength that I might achieve;

I was made weak that I may learn to obey.

I asked for riches that I might be happy;

I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for power and praise of people;

I was given weakness to sense my need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;

I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing I asked for but everything I hoped for;

In spite of myself, my prayers were answered.

I am among all people most richly blessed."

~unknown Confederate soldier

Monday, August 8, 2011

First day of School!!!!

Gracie is obviously not thrilled about getting up at 7 am!!!

First Day Back to School.....and work!!!

As I woke the kids up bright and early this morning, I felt this huge sense of accomplishment. We had made it through the summer; the summer that seemed to never end. Don't get me wrong, it has ended on great terms, however, I kept telling myself that if I could make it through this summer, I could make it through anything. This bittersweet summer has come to an end but with that comes new beginnings for The Cantey's!
Gracie begins 3rd grade this year. She picks out her own clothes now and allowed us to walk her to the hall that Mrs. Bray's classroom was located on but no further :) That's okay though...we totally get it! Bryce is still his mommy's boy ,as he begins Kindergarten ,and I was wiping lipstick off his cheek as I left him sitting at his desk in Mrs. Steffer's class :) When leaving Warren Road this morning, there were no tears, only the sense of peace that my babies were happy and so was I.
Michael has adjusted well to his new position at Jefferson Energy. He leaves every morning with a smile on his face. We are so blessed that he was given such a wonderful job opportunity . As for me, I return to Southern Smiles Pediatric Dentistry tomorrow and will be working two days a week which I couldn't be more excited about!!

"Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come." Proverbs 31:25

"The Lord shall bless thee...all the days of thy life." Psalm 128 :5

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Summertime Fun!!!

From the time I found out that I was pregnant; I wrote down these two bible verses and put them on the refridgerator and read them everyday. They have given me comfort throughout my entire experience and I want to share them ...

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. " 1 Peter 5:7

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11
Above all love each other deeply,
because love covers a multitude of sins.
I Peter 4:8

About Me

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I am married to my highschool sweetie and together we have two very active but very loving children, Gracie and Bryce. I work part time as a pediatric dental hygienist and am a fulltime cook, cleaner, and driver :) I love all my jobs and thank God everyday for getting me to where I am...