Friday, August 19, 2011

"Out of the Mouths of Babes"

Michael and I know that the situation with Charlie and Sam is very delicate when it comes to how much information we share with Gracie and Bryce. We feel the "lighter" we keep it the better. We intend to share pictures and answer more detailed questions at more appropriate times. So, for now, Charlie and Sam are in Heaven with all their other relatives sleeping on the clouds and being rocked by Jesus. We pray for them every night and talk about them daily. It's very comforting.

Yesterday, Michael had to go to Babies R Us to pick up the attachments to our crib that allows us to convert it into a double bed. Needless to say, I didn't enjoy seeing him pull up to the house with those boxes in the back of the truck ,and of course, the kids had a bunch of questions for Michael and myself. I could feel my eyes swelling up with tears as Michael was about to unload the boxes to put directly into the storage room when Bryce walked up to me, grabbed my hand and said...."Mommy, when are we going to try again?" "You know, Mommy, for more babies."

I am amazed by God's perfect timing.

We were concerned about the kids and the thought of me being pregnant again in the future. This experience was upsetting to them as well, so to see how eager they are to try again as a family is truly a miracle in itself! I had worried how my bed rest, hospital stay, and the loss had affected them , and the end result just proved how resilient and strong my children are. I can learn a lot from them.

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Above all love each other deeply,
because love covers a multitude of sins.
I Peter 4:8

About Me

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I am married to my highschool sweetie and together we have two very active but very loving children, Gracie and Bryce. I work part time as a pediatric dental hygienist and am a fulltime cook, cleaner, and driver :) I love all my jobs and thank God everyday for getting me to where I am...